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How to Keep Your Kitchen Pest Free?

Do you know how pests are getting into your home? Follow these seven simple tips to ward off the rodents, cockroaches and other creepy crawlers.

Kitchen Pest, By the time you notice a rodent, cockroach or other insect crawling through your home, it may already be too late. The sign of a single pest can indicate a much larger problem.

A pest control service can help determine the scope of your problem as well as help you establish a plan to minimize the chances that pests will return.

Consider these measures when pest-proofing your home:

1. Make seasonal checks

Kitchen Pest, Rodents seek shelter during cold winter months, so it’s important to check your homes for areas that may be susceptible to entry by tiny animals. Even small cracks in the foundation or small holes in the roof can be an invitation to squirrels, mice, and other animals and bugs to enter your home.

2. Remove any wood piles or debris

Small animals and insects often take shelter in moist and dark areas. Don’t allow soil or mulch to build up around the foundation. Firewood should be stored away from the home.

3. Trim tree limbs and branches near the home

Animals like squirrels and raccoons can scurry across them to make their way into your attic. Hiring a tree service company to cut back overhanging limbs can remove a possible point of entry.

4. Seal holes or openings in windows and doors

Make sure they are properly sealed and caulked to prevent entry from small critters and insects. This will also make your home more energy efficient.

5. Secure containers indoors and outdoors

Make sure garbage cans and recycling bins are sealed and placed away from the house. If you compost, consider doing so in a closed-top bin and keep it as far from your home as possible.

6. Clean the kitchen

Clear food from all surfaces, clean dishes every night, and sweep floors of crumbs. To pests, your kitchen could be perceived as a buffet if you are not diligent in keeping it free of food that’s easily accessible.

7. Schedule regular inspections

Even if you’re not aware of an infestation or pest problem, have a professional periodically inspect and treat your home before one occurs. Ask about potential problems with termites, bed bugs or rodents.

Before hiring a pest control service, ask the following questions:

What is your process for exterminating pests?

What chemicals, if any, are used?

Are the products harmful to children or pets if ingested?

Do you have a pest control license?

How long will our family need to be out of the house before it is considered safe to return?

Article Credit: Angies List

Read us:How to Keep Your Kitchen Pest Free?